Please respect these Marketplace Rules and Guidelines:
Important Disclaimer
NATGA neither supports nor endorses any of these transactions, specific businesses or vendors. Posts on the Marketplace are for supporting the NATGA membership in their truffle farming efforts. NATGA strives to provide its members with a breadth of knowledge from a variety of Sponsors and resources. Membership, sponsorship or mention on this website of any nursery, consultant, sponsor or vendor does not imply endorsement by NATGA. Any opinions and information shared by our members and Sponsors are their own and NATGA doesn’t imply endorsement of such information.
The growing of truffles in North America is still in the research and development stage. Due diligence is encouraged.
- Items available for sale should be one of transactions and not part of the vendor main business. Regular business should promote their services and/or products in the Resource Directory on this site.
- We strongly discourage the sale or exchange of truffles, spores, trees from anyone other than businesses dedicated to providing these materials as they may results in orchard contamination by diseases and/or pests. As always, NATGA recommends seeking recommendations from other production growers.
- Use the functionality of the forum to communicate with the poster and responders.
- Do not openly post your phone number, address or email. This forum is open to the internet and the functionality provided helps keep that information hidden from spammers.
- When replying and wish to be contacted by the poster, check Set as Private Reply check box. This will protect your personal information from anyone but the site administrator and the post original author.

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- When posting , make sure you describe your items properly:
- Price (if applicable)
- Brand
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- Availability
- Attach photos
- Respond to the post when the item is no longer available.