Black Truffle

The Mission:

The mission of the North American Truffle Growers Association (NATGA) is to promote awareness, growth, and development of the truffle industry in North America, accomplished by:

  • Researching best practices in all aspects of the industry
  • Setting standards for premium truffles
  • Sharing information between growers
  • Educating the public

Key Objectives:

  • Serve as the primary advocate for the truffle industry in North America
  • Encourage collaboration and information sharing within the truffle industry
  • Raise the profile of the industry and its products locally, nationally, and internationally
  • Support industry growth through scientific research projects
  • Promote the development of local and national marketing initiatives
  • Educate government at state and federal levels to promote industry growth
  • Facilitate conferences, workshops, webinars, and industry networking events
  • Establish standards for the industry to support industry growth and protection
  • Build the value of the NATGA brand within and across the industry