Home Forums Cultivating Truffles Tree spacing

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    • #8385
      Wendy Snow

        My trees are planted 6 feet apart, rows are 12 feet apart except drive rows that are 14 feet apart.  There is not much sun reaching the ground under the trees canopies.  I was told the truffles like warm ground, sun warmed, and I need to remove some trees.

        Is this right? Bramales and pecan truffles are not having any trouble, will the perigords? My orchard is 7 years old this year.

      • #8387
        Fabrice Caporal

          I am no truffle expert, but my understanding is that it is truffle species dependent.  For example T. aestivum, like shade, and apparently T. melanosporum, needs sun on the ground. You will have also to consider your local climate, it is also possible to have too much sun.

        • #8392
          Wendy Snow

            Thank you for your response.

            I am in Tennesse at 900′ above sea-level.

            So are you saying for  T. melanosporum I will need to either remove trees, or is shortening them an option?


          • #8394
            Fabrice Caporal

              It depends who you are talking to. French growers are now swearing by bonzification of trees. Others argue that over pruning cut the sugar supply to the truffle… others are saying that we are now getting too hot so some shade may help… I have not tested either way so I can’t say which is better. Do you have some productio. So you could test one way vs another?

            • #8399
              Wendy Snow

                I have 5 acres planted.  The outer trees get a lot of sun and probably 3 trees in on the east and west sides get a lot.  I am seeing Brule on edges and in the middle.  I guess time will tell.  I have many differences throughout the orchard and am pretty much just treating them all the same, ie pruning, water, ph, etc.  The whole thing has been an experiment.  Lol

                I’d hate to pull trees out that may produce. Like you, I haven’t found the answer.

                Thank you for your time.

                Best of luck to you.

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