Black Truffle

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  • in reply to: Truffle Demand #4386
    chris petres

      Hi Michael, I’ve been selling Canadian grown truffles here in BC for the past 4 years. I have focused on building a relationship with the chefs as opposed to the restaurants or chains. Once a chef has experienced a fresh locally grown truffle, I find they no longer want the imports. The only problem I find is having a consistent harvest week to week, season to season to provide a reliable supply for them. Truffles are best suited for an ‘ a la carte ‘ type menu, as opposed to weekly set menus. For this reason we approached restaurants that strive on pick-of-the-day service that source local ingredients near our region. Chris.

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    • Wendy Snow

      I’m trying to view the 2021 fall congress report, but it won’t load.

      “Error loading pdf”

    • Fran Angerer

      What was the outcome of this grant?

      • Staci O'Toole

        Hi Fran.
        If you click on the title it will take you to the details regarding the grant and it’s outcome.
        The Primaries were Jeannine Davis and Inga Meadows. Although the research task force was not established yet there is quite a bit of information and details. If I remember correctly it helped establish their lab at NC State

    • Alex Poole

      Great overview

    • Holly Martin

      Would have been nice to have an end time on Sunday for booking travel

    • Jeffrey Coker

      1. This proposal is almost verbatim the UNECE Standard FFV-53 with some added (somewhat complicating) language about the percentages of classes that can be exposed by trimming and a couple of other things. Why not just endorse the UNECE standards and prevent the confusion of having yet another set of standards? [In our case at Burwell Farms, we are also being inspected by the state of NC and following both state and USDA food safety and packaging rules.]

      2. The stated purpose of the proposal is to “standardize the quality requirements for use of the NATGA logo”. Is logo use currently a problem? Are we talking about use of the NATGA logo only on food packaging, or also on grower websites? If a grower chooses not to use NATGA’s class system, then should they remove the NATGA logo from all their materials?

    • Holly Martin

      Species: Since both T. Gibbosum and T. Oregonense are described as Oregon White Truffle, it might be useful to include seasonal designation, i.e. Oregon White Truffle (Spring) for T. Gibbosum and Oregon White Truffle (Winter) for T. Oregonense.

      II.C (iv): This is just a drafting suggestion. I found the second sentence, as organized, a little hard to follow. My suggested text has all the same information, just reorganized: Provided the truffles retain their essential characteristics as regards the quality, the keep quality and presentation, the following defects may be allowed: defects in shape, defects in development, defects in coloring, superficial bruising, and slight superficial damages caused by pests.

      Over all, nice job and thanks for all the good work!

    • Karen Passafaro

      I would add a few pictures of what you are recommending with packaging and labels

    • A

      I like the Identification requirement. Now do those classification apply to a member of NATGA importing and reselling truffles? What then should be done with identification?

    • A

      I never heard of the Icon class, interesting

    • A

      Weight and shape characterizations do not apply uniformly across species. It looks like the document is centered around T. melanosporum. It would be a great challenge to find a 300g oregon truffle… another example is that Tuber magnatum is rarely round.

    • A

      In Definition of Produce we say “species of the the genus Tuber” yet in the list of truffles below we proceed to include Oregon truffles which are not of the Tuber genus. I would be in favor of changing the definition of truffle to say what is in Wikipedia:

      “A truffle is the fruiting body of a subterranean ascomycete fungus, predominantly one of the many species of the genus Tuber.”

      Or if we want to be less scientific we could say:

      “A truffle is the fruiting body of a subterranean fungus, predominantly one of the many species of the genus Tuber.”

    • A

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    • Bryan Denig

      Such a great webinar from Christine. I am very appreciative that the webinar recordings are being posted for those of us who are interested but unable to attend live. Looking forward to the others!

    • Raymond and Bernadine Prince

      please put Raymond on your list of participants for the Webinar

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