Black Truffle
Chair, Stephanie Jarvis

Who we are:

The Government Relations Task Force is the combination of the previous Agri-Business and Agri-Tourism task forces.

Scope of this task force:

Poster about the Government Relations Task Force

Consistent with the Mission of NATGA, the Government Relations Task Force will accumulate information regarding best management practices for growing and maintenance of a Truffle Orchard. While truffle growing is starting to expand as a viable crop, it is incumbent upon early adopters to set the stage for a truffle production future in North America. Regardless of where you live in North America, there are a plethora of regulatory agencies that have a limited and focused view on industry practices.

By establishing Best Management Practices and credibility in NATGA, the industry can be positioned to self-regulate and educate regulators when they start looking closely at the industry. This will benefit the industry greatly by being proactive vs. reactive when regulators want to start establishing their own set of regulatory standards and guidelines for the industry. Forward progress has already been made in the Agribusiness Task Force through the development of the online forum. This is a place where growers and practitioners can exchange information, pose/answer questions, and share personal experience in these forums:

  • Cultivating Truffles: to discuss technical practices around truffle farming.
  • Equipment: To discuss equipment use in the orchard. Focusing on answering the questions around the type of equipment is needed for every specific jobs around the orchard.
  • Reviews: To share your personal experience and reviews about equipment used in and around the farm.

Please feel free to suggest other ideas for forums that are relevant to our truffle community.

Participating in the Government Relations Task Force

The Chair, Stephanie Jarvis, is a California native with extensive experience as a Mycologist and certified arborist conducting research in truffle orchards and on fungi that grow underground.  Stephanie holds a Master of Science in Mycology Conservation Genetics, has been a certified arborist for 14 years and provides consulting services for truffle farmers through her company Pacific Truffle Growers.  She has a passion for agriculture and has been privy to wine industry compliance and regulations of grape growing through her 25 years of working with wine companies in the Napa Valley. Like her predecessor chair, Lisa Bodrogi, Stephanie recognizes the importance of gathering input and assistance from the broader perspectives and challenges facing NATGA growers. To this point, the Government Relations Task Force team is looking for volunteers from various regions throughout NATGA territory to assist with this important Task Force.

Please use this form to contact the Task Force Chair and volunteer your time: