Peer reviewed scientific paper relevant to the truffle industry

Species and geographic variability in truffle aromas
The gastronomic relevance and price of truffles are related mainly to its unique aroma. In this study, we explore the impact that different volatile compounds have on the aroma quality…View details...The development of affordable and reliable DNA-based analysis protocols and sampling procedures for the detection of commercial truffle species used in truffle cultivation
This project addresses a challenge in the truffle industry, specifically the detection and monitoring of truffle fungi during the many-year period of orchard establishment before truffles can be expected to…View details...First production of Italian white truffle (Tuber magnatum Pico) ascocarps in an orchard outside its natural range distribution in France
These results demonstrate the feasibility of T. magnatum cultivation worldwide by planting mycorrhized plants. The cultivation of T. magnatum could therefore become a real opportunity for farmers and could respond…View details...Is Tuber brumale a Threat to T. melanosporum and T. aestivum Plantations?
i F o r e s t: Biogeosciences and Forestry, Research Article: True truffles in the genus Tuber are the most valuable ectomycorrhizal fungi and their cultivation has become widespread…View details...Ascoma genotyping and mating type analyses of mycorrhizas and soil mycelia of Tuber borchii in a truffle orchard established by mycelial inoculated plants
Tuber borchii (the Bianchetto truffle) is a heterothallic Ascomycete living in symbiotic association with trees and shrubs. Maternal and paternal genotype dynamics have already been studied for the black truffles…View details...UNECE STANDARD FFV-53 concerning the marketing and commercial quality control of Truffles 2017 edition
United Nations standards concerning the marketing and commercial quality control of Truffles.View details...