November 6, 2023 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST
We want to express our sincere appreciation for those members that took the time to complete the NATGA Grower Survey 2.0 at the 2022 Fall Conference. We are excited to share with you the results of the survey which aimed to collect data from producers to better understand the truffle industry in North America. The questions helped characterize important demographics that have never truly been measured before, such as orchard types, truffle species grown, site conditions, management practices, and production status. The results will guide future research needs and align growers with researchers, promoting the industry and gaining valuable insight on the best management practices for truffle production.
All identifying information about orchards has been anonymized and will never be publicly available. The survey results will provide valuable information for growers and researchers, helping to shape the future of the truffle industry in North America. We intend to offer a version of this survey annually, both to allow new participants to be represented and for returning participants to update their answers as their orchard practices and production change over time. This will enable us to capture changes to the truffle growing industry as it continues to grow.
We will be presenting the updated 2023 survey during this webinar.
Brian Allen
Brian Allen is a research specialist at the University of California Cooperative Extension office in Jackson, CA. He is developing a truffle genetic and microscopy testing service lab to meet industry demand with guidance from researchers and truffle growers.
Webinars and Presentations
Scott Onetto
Farm Advisor
Scott Oneto has been a farm advisor with the University of California Cooperative Extension for the past 22 years.