December 12, 2022 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST
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This talk will focus on optimal tree host nutrition for truffle production. I will cover the basics of tree nutrition and soil nutrient availability, highlighting special nutritional characteristics of trees. Target ranges of foliar nutrients for truffle production and the challenge of optimizing tree nutrition in basic soils will be discussed. I will review methods of foliar nutrient analysis and suggest avenues for future research.
This webinar will focus on optimal tree host nutrition for truffle production, including basics of tree nutrition and soil nutrient availability, and special nutritional characteristics of trees. Target ranges of foliar nutrients for truffle production and the challenge of optimizing tree nutrition in basic soils will be discussed.

Barbara Hawkins
We are particularly interested in co-adaptation of conifers and their mycorrhizal partners, and in variation among tree populations in stress tolerance. Our work ranges from lab experiments measuring nutrient uptake with microelectrodes, to field work assessing nutrient stoichiometry of tree foliage, fungi and soil.