Hello, I am just coming up with a business plan for a 5 to 10 acre truffle farm in Canada, but have some pieces that are still evading me.
1) From Claude Murat’s talk, it seems like irrigation is essential, but can anyone share how they go about irrigating? There seems to be many that use micro-sprinklers/drip systems, but I also imagine some use larger water guns. I know I am naive, but wouldn’t the pressure of the guns damage the trees?
2) Yield numbers obviously vary by species, but in general I have it down that average yield is 25kg/hectare, good yield is 50 kg/ha, and exceptional is >100kg/ha. Does this seem correct, or am I off? It is complicated by the fact that the literature keeps stating that many truffieres were mismanaged, which must drag down historical yield estimates. I wonder what average yields would be for only truffieres that were managed properly.
3) Historical prices for truffles seem hard to come by. I know truffle.farm has some prices, as well as some other websites. I think 2019 was a good year for prices (maybe a market high), and 2020/2021 were abnormally bad years. Is it fair to say that a normal retail prices would be the average of these? I have included an image below to help explain what I mean (prices are in Canadian dollars).

I really appreciate any help anyone can offer.
Thanks everyone.