Forums General Truffle Discussion MSU webinar series on biochar

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    • #6751
      Brian Upchurch

        Greg Bonito sent me info on a biochar webinar series through Michigan State University. There has been an interest in utilizing biochar in truffle orchards here in North Carolina, and could potentially be of interest to growers elsewhere. The first one was today, which I could not attend. The other two are in November and December.

        Click here for more info



        Click here or on image to go to registration link.

      • #6763
        Fabrice Caporal

          We have been considering converting our pruning material into biochar and bringing it back into the orchard through innoculation. We are not sure if it will be “doable” because of the amount of work involved.

          The Kon-Tiki biochar kilns look very promising, have anyone try it?

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