Forums Cultivating Truffles Transplant Trees

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    • #6684
      Lisa Bodrogi

        Has anyone had any luck with relocating trees?   Many talk about loss of trees due to gopher damage, can other trees within the same orchard be transplanted to replace the lost trees?  What are some parameters to think about when transplanting trees?  The trees I am referring to were 2 year old seedlings and have been in the ground for 4 years now.  Any chance they can be successfully relocated?

      • #6688
        Staci O’Toole

          Hi Lisa: I have experimented with transplanting Hazels. They were quite a bit older but made it through the process.  They were pretty shocked and it took them over a year to bounce back.  Haven’t had any production on them yet and it’s been almost 3 years.  Not sure that the oaks would be as forgiving.  My experience like with so many truffle situations

          “it depends’

        • #6747
          Fabrice Caporal

            I would say it depends on the species of trees. Oak trees are tapped root so they would be difficult to transplant without major damage to the root system. The other consideration is that you want to transplants the tree root tips which host the truffle, and those would most likely stay behind in the digging process. I think you would probably better off replanting a 1-2 year old tree. This is what we are doing for our “gophered” trees.

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